Parish Council Agenda 21-04-2020 ONLINE at 5pm
This will be Sandgate Parish Council’s first ever online Council meeting, so will be something of a learning experience!
Sandgate Parish Council will broadcast this meeting as a video on Facebook live at the time of the meeting itself on our Facebook page at Comments made on the Facebook video during the meeting will not be monitored and are not a way of feeding back to the Council.
Questions from the public will need to be submitted in advance to by 3pm at the latest on the day of the meeting. Questions from the public should include the questioners name and address so that it can be confirmed the question is from a resident. The question (and name, but not address, of the questioner) will be read out by the Clerk, and answered by the Chairman, Clerk or appropriate Councillor. A written response may also be sent by email subsequent to the meeting.
Agenda council meeting 21 04 20aDraft 2020-2021 Meeting Schedule
Schedule of Meetings for 2020-21-updated-1