There are currently a huge range of FREE adult training and learning courses available to Folkestone and Hythe residents.
Folkestone and Hythe and Kent County Council are a part of the Government funded UK Community Renewal Fund. As a part of this, FREE face-to-face and online learning courses are available to local residents.
You can see the huge range of FREE adult courses available both online and at venues across Kent below. Join in any of those courses from just 1 day per week.
Folkestone Free Adult Training Courses Brochure
Ashford Free Adult Training Courses Brochure
Canterbury Brochure
Sheppey Brochure
You can attend the free adult training courses of your choice at any venue, not just Folkestone.
You may also be able to get help with travel costs, childcare, or even a digital device.
The scheme is designed to help you find your way back into education. Support does not just include the courses, but can even help with housing and debt issues or even the opportunity to learn some key skills to further your education or start your own business.
There is no criteria need to take part in the fully funded taster courses. They have been set up to gain the core skills needed to carry on to further qualified education in the chosen courses.
In person (6 week, 1 day a week) taster courses across the four colleges include:
- Beauty Treatments
- Bricklaying
- Construction
- Criminology
- Digital Users (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced)
- Early Years
- Electrical
- Hairdressing
- Health & Social Care
- Media Makeup & Beauty
- Nail Technician
- Nail Treatments
- Painting & Decorating
- Plumbing
- Politics
- Psychology
EKC WorkHigher, Children & Families, Future Coders and EKC DigitalLearn offer online courses in:
- Baby Massage
- Budget Management
- Building Relationships
- Business Efficiency
- CV Writing
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Coding Design Principles
- Customer Conflict
- Customer Service
- Cyber Security
- Data Management
- Digital Users (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced)
- Employability
- Introducing GDPR
- Leadership Skills
- Managing Change
- Operational Plans
- Parenting Course
- Performance Management
- Presentation Skills
- Project Management
- Recruitment Skills
- Resource Management
- SEO for Business
- Sales Skills
- Social Media for Business
- Solihull Antenatal & Postnatal
- Stress Management
- Time Management
- Working with Data
These are FREE adult training courses. You may also be able to get help with travel costs, childcare, or even a digital device.
Take the Next Step – FREE
To get involved, contact Chris McNamara or Alex Conyers – details below.
They will talk to you and work out what steps they can offer to move forward and get enrolled onto one of the free courses, and any other support they can offer.
Christopher McNamara
Community Development Officer
07593 101081
Alex Conyers
Community Development Officer
075931 01080
Alternatively contact Sandgate Parish Council and we can put you in touch.
The range of help and assistance they can look at to help you take steps back into education includes:
- Guidance on how to get housing or accommodation.
- Guidance on Debt or Money issues.
- Advice on how to get in to further/higher education and the steps available.
- Advice on careers and work prospects.
- Emotional and wellbeing support.
- Education learning support.
- Childcare support to allow access to the courses.
- For Families with financial restrictions or digitally poor there is a scheme in place to provide laptops and internet connectivity.
- After care program in place for all adult students.
- Full support network provided throughout the whole process.