Photos from across some of the Jubilee events happening in Sandgate over the weekend. We know there were more events (like the family fun day in the Golden Valley led by the Golden Arrow team and volunteers).
Our thanks to Sal Kenward, Gaye Thomas and Tim Prater for the photos below. Most importantly, we would love to add your events and photos too as a lasting record of the weekend. Please send them to if you’d like to see them added here: thank you!
Beacon Lighting: Sandgate Esplanade, Thursday 2nd June

Golden Valley Jubilee Party, Golden Valley Car Park & Golden Arrow, Friday 3rd June
The Golden Valley family fun afternoon was hosted by the Golden Arrow on Friday. It was a fabulous afternoon, and a great time was had by all with face painting, tombola, children’s games, cake competition, barbecue, a talented singer to entertain, and a Pimms tent!

Sandgate Jubilee Street and Beach Party: Granville Parade, Sunday 5th June
The Jubilee Street and Breach Party was arranged jointly by the Sandgate Society, Folkestone Rowing Club, Sandgate Parish Council and supported by businesses throughout Sandgate. Finally, thanks to all of those, and those who attended, for making it a great afternoon!

Sandgate “Green Canopy” Orchards Dedication: Fremantle Park and Sandgate Park, Tuesday 31st May
Our two new orchards have been dedicated to the Queen’s Green Canopy in honour of the Platinum Jubilee. Parish Council Chairman Tim Prater went to both parks to oversee the installation of the commemorative plaques. Because Tim didn’t install them, they look great!
Our orchards each have 12 mixed fruit trees, with one in Sandgate Park and the other in Fremantle Park. The trees were firstly chosen, then planted, and now tended by our friends the Sandgate Community Garden team who made it happen.