
Temporary Closure of Public Footpath HF8 between Public Footpaths HF59 & HF69 and Public Footpath HF56

Kent County Council intends to make an Order the effect of which is to temporarily close Public Footpath HF8 for its entire length between Public Footpaths HF59 & HF69 and Public Footpath HF56 for 75m around the southeast of Martello Tower No.6 from the 03 April 2023.

The paths will be closed for a maximum of six months, although it is expected that they will reopen sooner.

The paths are to be closed because development works are planned on or near them.

Alternative routes are available, parallel to Public Footpaths HF8, HF69 & HF56 to the northwest of Martello No.6 and will be signed for the duration of the closure.

For detailed enquiries please contact Edward Denne Contact Centre no. 03000 41 71 71


Posted by Tim Prater in News

May 2023 elections: You now need photo ID to vote at a polling station

The Elections Act 2022 and related regulations enforced a requirement for electors that vote at a polling station to provide a form of accepted, photographic ID that must be verified by the staff before being given a ballot paper to vote. 

This became the law for all elections in England from Thursday, 4 May 2023 and is not a local rule change. 


Nationally, the Electoral Commission have been advertising on radio, tv and newspapers since early January 2023.  Poll cards will now list the acceptable forms of ID on the back.

A list of accepted forms of photo ID can be found on the District Council website by clicking on Voter ID.  The ID can be expired but the photo must still look like the person.  The original document must be presented at the polling station, copies or pictures of it on a smartphone will not be accepted because they can be edited using software.

If you do not have one of the accepted forms of ID, you can apply for a free, Voter Authority Certificate at the website by clicking on Voter Authority Certificate.

Please remember to bring your photo ID to future elections if you intend to vote at a polling station.  Polling station staff must adhere to the law and have been trained as such, if they issue a ballot paper without seeing and verifying voter’s ID they are breaking the law.

Electors can apply for a postal vote, details of this can be found by clicking on Postal Vote Application.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Parish Clerk Gaye Thomas Wins KALC International Women’s Day Award

Parish Clerk Gaye Thomas Wins KALC International Women’s Day Award

From the Kent Association of Local Council’s Newsletter March 2023:

International Women’s Day is important to us all. This year, the theme is #EmbraceEquity. KALC has been supporting the Day for some years now.

We asked our members to nominate women in their communities who have inspired others with work and engagement that has gone above and beyond. Your replies were brilliant and we are pleased to announce our winners here:

Gaye Thomas MBE, Parish Clerk at Sandgate Parish Council. Her nomination mentions her enthusiasm for breathing new live into the very well used library in the village. Her residents say she is inspiring and always willing to help in the community.


Parish Chairman Tim Prater said:

This is a really worthy award, and we’re proud of Gaye, and delighted to see her work recognised.

Gaye first joined Sandgate as Deputy Clerk and became Parish Clerk in January 2017.

Aside from regular Clerk duties, which Gaye handles with ability and aplomb, Sandgate is unique in Kent in running Sandgate Library on an agency basis for Kent County Council.

That allows us to have more control of opening hours, to utilise volunteers to keep the service running and support users, manage and share the use of our premise which is a library, meeting space and Parish Council office.

We simply could not have contemplated taking this service on in 2016 without having Gaye on board who is a qualified librarian with over 20 years experience in London libraries. She has helped manage and shape our service, training and supporting volunteers, liaising with Kent Libraries and working at every level, from facilities management to singing the Wheels on the Bus with 2 year olds at “Rhyme Time”.

In Sandgate’s time running our library we have extended opening hours where other libraries have seen their cut. During Covid, Sandgate Library was always one of the earliest “re-openers” at each stage of relaxing lockdown, with many larger and similar sized libraries remaining closed for months whilst we were open. In addition Sandgate offered “click and collect” and delivery services to local residents.

Through the course of the last 12 months, Gaye has also led the refurbishment of the library, designed to make the library a more accessible and inclusive space, feel warmer and more welcoming, and better support a wide range of uses through more flexible layouts.

Having in the last 2 years gained her Ilca qualification, Gaye has just started her Cilca as she wants to ensure we achieve Quality Council status.

Sandgate would simply be the poorer without her.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Folkestone Rowing Club Hosts Rowing Championship

Folkestone Rowing Club Hosts Rowing Championship

On the 16th of September 2023, Folkestone Rowing Club are hosting the 66th South Coast Championship. This prestigious event will bring 800 – 1,000 people together on the beach at Sandgate to take part in the most important regatta in the coastal rowing season.

The Championship, which includes races for young people and for adults, will see rowers from Herne Bay to Plymouth come together in Sandgate for a weekend of fierce competition and sportsmanship.  

Most crews will arrive in Sandgate on Friday 15th September. On 16th September, clubs and crews will arrive at Sandgate beach from 6am onwards. Racing will start at 9:30 and continue throughout the day until 5pm.

After the regatta finishes, Folkestone Rowing Club will host the prizegiving and an evening of celebration.

The Rowing Club will encourage visitors to use our local businesses and amenities throughout the day. The club are also offering local businesses the chance to sponsor the Championship. Tiered sponsorship packages give businesses the flexibility to advertise their company to the rowing community and support the event.

Sponsorship opportunities start from just £100 for programme advertising ranging up to £1000 for a Platinum level sponsor. To find out more, visit or contact .

The 66th South Coast Championship Regatta and 17th U16 Rowing Championships will be hosted by CARA at Sandgate beach, Folkestone on Saturday 16th September 2023.

There is more information on the Folkestone SCC Facebook page.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Kent County Council: Community Services Consultation

Kent County Council: Community Services Consultation

Kent County Council (KCC) has launched a public consultation on its Community Services which runs until 26 March 2023.

The consultation proposes changes to the way we use our buildings to deliver some of our community services. We invite your feedback on our proposals as part of this consultation.

Why are we proposing changes?

The Council has experienced big increases in costs and has less money to spend.  So we need to look ahead and do things differently to make sure we can still help residents in the years to come. Whilst ensuring effective support for residents who need our services, we need to:

  • tackle the rising costs of maintaining our many buildings
  • find savings, so we can balance the budget
  • reduce our carbon footprint to meet our Net-Zero ambitions.

What services are included in the proposals?

Children’s Centres and Youth Hubs, Public Health Services for Children and Families, Community Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Community Learning and Skills, and Gateways.

What are we proposing?

  • Having fewer permanent buildings, meaning that some of our buildings would close – we want to keep buildings in areas where they are needed the most
  • co-locating more of our services, meaning more than one service would be available from some of the buildings you might visit
  • continuing to deliver some services by outreach, which means they do not take place in a dedicated or permanent space, but move around to when and where they are needed
  • ensuring residents can continue to access services and information online.

Our proposals have been designed by considering where there is greatest need for our services.

Find out more and share your views

Please visit to view the consultation document, design handbooks, a video summarising the proposals, and the Equality Impact Assessments. You can respond via the online questionnaire (or download the Word version). You can also join us at a drop-in event where you can ask any questions you may have. Details of the drop-in sessions can be found on our website. If you have any queries, please contact

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Network Railcards and the 09:58 Folkestone West to St Pancras

Network Railcards and the 09:58 Folkestone West to St Pancras

Many train users locally have raised concerns about the recent Southeastern timetable change. This seemed to mean railcards (like Network Railcards) could no longer be used as before on the post peak trains to London, as the departure time from Folkestone Central and Folkestone West has changed from after 10 am to just before.

This was raised at the White Cliffs Community Rail Partnership meeting with Southeastern on 31st January. The response is below, and the good news is that you CAN use their Network Railcard on the 9.55/9.58 train. However, users need to purchase their ticket at the ticket office or purchase a ticket for the next train (but then travel on the 9.55/9.58) to get the discount applied.

“Special easement for 09.55/09.58 from Folkestone Central/West

“The 09.55 service from Folkestone Central – St Pancras International (09.58 from Folkestone West) had a Super Off-Peak easement added from 11th December due to the timetable changes; previously the train departed at 10.00 / 10.02.

“Network Railcard discounts were not able to be included, but have now been agreed as a special easement  for Folkestone; however this will not be reflected in Journey Planner software or online when purchasing. Ticket Office staff can issue tickets for this service with the Network Railcard discount; online purchases (and TVMs) will rely on passengers selecting a later service for travel, but then using the 09.55/09.58 departure.

“We appreciate this may cause confusion for some passengers, but is the only option we can currently offer without refusing the Network Railcards discount entirely.”

Posted by Tim Prater in News
English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS) Bus Passes Bulk Renewals March 2023

English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS) Bus Passes Bulk Renewals March 2023

Background: Kent County Council (KCC) manages the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (often also referred to as Older People’s Bus Passes) for Kent residents on behalf of central government. There are currently approximately 250,000 ENCTS pass-holders in Kent, who qualify either on the basis of age or disability.

Passes are issued for five years with an expiry date at the end of March, regardless of which month in the year the pass was originally issued. As a legacy of the commencement of the scheme, every five years there is a significant peak in renewals.

2023 renewals

In March 2023 there are 140,000 passes that reach their natural expiry.

The approach KCC takes is ‘Intelligent Auto-Renewals’ i.e. not asking all pass holders re-apply but re-issuing a pass automatically if it has been used in the year before expiry. 

Where passes have not been used, we write to the pass holder offering them the opportunity to renew their pass through a simple online or free post process. 

Passholders who qualify on grounds of disability are asked to re-evidence their entitlement. This is because some passes are issued on the grounds of temporary disability. However, we are updating the process after this renewal so that those with permanent disabilities will not need to do this again once they have re-evidenced this time.

In all cases we will contact passholders directly either with their new pass or with instructions on how to renew. Passholders do not need to do anything prior to receiving their new pass or letter unless they have moved since they received their existing pass. In this case, they need to let us know their new address. Details of how to do this can be found at

The scheme is a statutory scheme which gives eligible passholders access to services across the UK, not just in Kent.  As such, the issue of a pass does not take account of changes to local bus services.

Process and timelines

Letters for those whose pass will not automatically renew will be sent in late January and February.

Bus Passes will be sent out in batches by District in February and early March.

Passholders do not need to contact us unless they have moved since they received their existing pass. Details of how to let us know they have moved can be found at

Older person passes used within the previous year:

Automatically renewed – the pass will be sent by post.

Older person passes not used within the previous year:

Passholders will be sent a letter inviting them to renew and giving them a choice of doing so online or by free post.

Disabled person’s passes:

All disabled person passholders with March 2023 expiry will be sent a letter inviting them to renew and giving them a choice of doing so via online or free post.

The approach adopted is well established, understood and well-rehearsed between ourselves and our delivery partners and as such no operational issues are expected.

More information and contact details

For more information about renewals please contact or see the ENCTS web page at

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Beginner Computer Skills Training: New dates

Do you, or a friend or family member, need some help online?

Sometimes its hard to get the most basic starting point – I’ve got a tablet, but how do I use it to send email, or do banking?

In conjunction with Saga, Sandgate Parish Council are offering free basic computer skills and troubleshooting for the computer novice.

Following the success of the first two courses, we’re delighted to add new dates though February, March and April!

The 1 hour courses are taking place in Sandgate Library from 2pm – 3pm each time. They are there to answer questions – no matter how basic – about getting and staying online. Bring your phone / tablet / device if possible and the team will give you guidance on use where they can.

The new dates:

9th February
23rd February
9th March
23rd March
6th April
20th April

Sandgate Library, James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street, Sandgate CT20 3RR

Booking not essential, but preferred – please let the Parish Clerk know you are coming if possible,

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Enbrook Stream Misconnections

Enbrook Stream Misconnections

Over the weekend our Chairman Tim Prater picked up on letters going out in the Enbrook Valley area to some houses regarding misconnections to the sewer, and requiring alterations.

We’ve been in touch with Southern Water this morning to get a clearer picture of the issue. Below is the information we have to date. We’re asking for more information from them, but thought it helpful to post what we have right now:

“Thank you for taking the time to get in touch this morning. I can fully appreciate any concern, the discovery of misconnections on Brambley Crescent has caused the residents affected.

“The Kent misconnections team have been surveying the Enbrook Valley catchment for 12 months now, finding 27 properties with misconnected pipework and 71 individual facilities that all connect to the surface water sewer which then outfalls into the Enbrook Stream.

“Misconnections are a problem across the Southern Water region and the UK. They can occur when moving facilities around the house, for instance when moving a washing machine into a utility room or garage. If correct checks are not done, the surface water drain can be mistaken for the foul sewer.

“Building an extensions could result in a misconnection if a builder doesn’t check the layout of the drains properly. However, in some cases the property has always been misconnected and the homeowner unknowingly inherited the issue when they first took over the property.

“The team that have been proactively surveying the area are David Booth & Darko Zlatarek. David, Darko and I are contactable Monday to Friday, should you or the homeowners have any questions or need support. We can arrange visits to demonstrate the issue or meet contractors when attending to scope the work needed to address the problem.

“I would encourage each property owner to make enquiries with multiple, trusted local contractors to acquire quotes. Then keep David, Darko or myself updated. I appreciate that it’s a less than ideal time to be told about a problem of this nature, so we are flexible in the time needed to rectify the issue. All that I ask is that we are kept updated with the progress being made.

“I completely understand that this news has come as a shock. Nobody knowingly wants to cause an issue like this to the local environment.

“Please get in touch if you have any questions or I / we can assist in anyway.

“Kind regards

“Rob Butson

“Misconnection Team Manager”

We understand the letters sent to residents have the contact details for Rob / David / Darko. Those affected are encouraged to contact them as soon as possible.


Posted by Tim Prater in News
Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

As we approach Christmas, I just wanted to wish you all the best for a Happy Christmas and the New Year.

Despite the obvious and ongoing challenges, we will have seen Sandgate Library completely refurbished this year. The works have been funded from external grants, and made it much more welcoming and accessible to all (indeed, it’s a “Warm Welcome Space” so good we’re even on the map twice!).

We’ve celebrated the Jubilee, planted two new orchards that will develop and grow over coming years, enjoyed a great Sea Festival, commemorated the death of the Queen and remembered her service to our country.

Sandgate has retained our Seaside Award status, and welcomed Ukrainian refugees in venues across the village.

It’s also great to see other organisations in the village thriving. The Chichester Hall continues to invest in refurbishment and renewal. The Sandgate Society and Sandgate Heritage Trust merger is almost complete. St Pauls Church celebrated its 200th anniversary with a huge range of events. The Sandgate Community Garden work on a seemingly ever increasing number of projects. And 2nd Sandgate Scouts are growing and doing well, with their HQ on The Undercliffe looking better than for years.

Thank you to everyone involved in any way locally with making Sandgate what it is.

It’s been a privilege to work with you, and to have chaired the Parish since 2020. I hope you get a great break – wherever you are – and look forward to seeing you around the village over the holiday or in 2023.

Happy Christmas.


Tim Prater
Chairman, Sandgate Parish Council

Posted by Tim Prater in News