
Free All Day Bus Travel for Older and Disabled Person Bus Pass Holders

1 – 31 AUGUST 2023

Using National Bus Strategy Funding provided by HM Government, throughout August, bus passes for Older and Disabled Persons will be accepted for travel in Kent and Medway before 9.30am. So you can now travel for free up until 11pm.

Using your pass before 9.30am is valid Monday to Sunday from 1 to 31 August from the first bus of the day up until 11pm for older persons and disabled persons bus pass holders only.

Normal times will apply from 1 September.


Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Parish Council Annual Return 2022-23

Sandgate Parish Council is defined as a “smaller authority” for the purposes of publication of its annual accounts and statements.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require that:

1. The accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested, during a period of 30 working days set by the smaller authority and including the first 10 working days of July.

2. The period referred to in paragraph (1) starts with the day on which the period for the exercise of public rights is treated as having been commenced i.e. the day following the day on which all of the obligations in paragraph (3) below have been fulfilled.

3. The responsible financial officer for a relevant authority must, on behalf of that authority, publish (which must include publication on the authority’s website):

(a) the Accounting Statements (i.e. Section 2 of the Annual Return), accompanied by:

(i) a declaration, signed by that officer to the effect that the status of the Accounting Statements are unaudited and that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change;

(ii) the Annual Governance Statement (i.e. Section 1 of the Annual Return); and

(b) a statement that sets out—

(i) the period for the exercise of public rights;

(ii) details of the manner in which notice should be given of an intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents;

(iii) the name and address of the local auditor;

(iv) the provisions contained in section 26 (inspection of documents etc.) and section 27 (right to make objections at audit) of the Act, as they have effect in relation to the authority in question.

All the required accounting statements, declarations, annual governance statement and additional statements are available in this 2023 Full Annual Return of Sandgate Parish Council. The declared period for the exercise of Public Rights is 27 June – 7 August 2023.


Scanned pdf documents do not comply with the Accessibility Regulations but the above documents can be provided in an alternative format or on alternative media, on request.

There is a National Audit Office guide Local Authority Accounts: A guide to your rights.

Posted by Tim Prater in Council, News, Resources

Sandgate Esplanade: Start of Works Notification for A259

As part of the on-going maintenance and improvement of the highway network, Kent County Council will be resurfacing the A259 Sandgate Esplanade from Court Road to Castle Bay.

These road surface improvement works are programmed to start on Monday 26th June and should take 8 Nights to complete (should there be any unforeseen delays, Kent County Council may resolve these issues by undertaking weekend working to avoid an overrun of works). These activities will be undertaken between the hours of 20:00 and 05:00 each day.

During these essential works it will be necessary to close Sandgate Esplanade completely so that we can carry out the works safely for both the workforce and road users. The diversion route will be via B2063 Hospital Hill, West Road, North Road, Gurkha Way, Military Road and Vice Versa.

We need your help to make sure the work is done as quickly as possible and to the best possible quality. If your vehicle is usually parked on the carriageway, please make sure you park it somewhere else away from the site whilst the works are carried out, so the road is clear for us to resurface.


Site Location Plan:

Sandgate Esplanade diversion map

If you need more information, you can visit our website to view our
programme & updates, to find out how we look after the roads throughout Kent or report any faults you find on our roads. You can also view our diversion/permit details at Alternatively, you can call us on 03000 41 81 81 Mon to Fri 09:00 to 17:00. If there are any last-minute changes to the program dates such as poor weather or other factors, these will be advertised via the KCC Website and Social Media Platforms

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Lower Leas Coastal Park Loo Arrival

A new toilet block powered by solar panels and boasting a green roof planted with wildflowers has been officially opened in Folkestone’s Lower Leas Coastal Park.

The new facility provides an additional four toilets – including one with full disabled access – for residents and visitors to the park, as well as a small commercial kiosk, near the foot of the Zig-Zag Path.

Cllr Jeremy Speakman, Cabinet Member for Assets and Operations, said:

“With the popularity of the area continuing to grow, this investment of around £150,000 will help ease some of the queues for loos seen in recent years.

“With its solar panels and green roof, this is a great addition to the Coastal Park for residents and visitors alike.”

The solar panels on top of the block will generate enough energy to power the toilets, the hot water and the vast majority of electricity needed to operate the kiosk.

This is the latest upgrade to the Lower Leas Coastal Park, with the recent addition of the new children’s pirate ship and planned improvements to the accessible play area later this year.

Suggestions for a drop kerb to access the ‘Cow Path’ to and from the park have been also considered but had to be rejected due to accessibility experts’ safety concerns.

The new kiosk is being marketed through the Kent Business Portal. If you are interested, please register and submit your bid in accordance with the terms and deadlines advertised.

It is hoped the kiosk will be up and running before the school summer break begins. Enquiries can be sent to

Posted by Tim Prater in News

The Sandgate Sea and Food Festival 2023

On the evening of Saturday 26th August 2023, we’ll be welcoming back the Sandgate Sea and Food Festival FREE fireworks display, sponsored by the Roger de Haan Charitable Trust, from Granville Parade.

On Sunday 27th August there will be the Sandgate Sea and Food Festival, featuring live music, entertainment, stalls and great food on Sandgate’s Granville Parade, Castle Road Car Park and at businesses along Sandgate High Street.

Sea and Food Festival Stalls

Any local business or organisation that wants to be part of the Granville Parade Seafront market on Sunday 27th is more than welcome to do so: we’d love to see you!

Local businesses with your own premises we would love to signpost you as a venue for FREE. Host some entertainment, run a food special, be open during Festival hours: whatever your thing, talk to us and we can help tell people about your business! Email with details or to discuss.

If you would like a seafront stall, please don’t hesitate but contact Julie Webb at to discuss options. Stalls cost £70 for the day on Sunday for businesses, or are FREE for Charities and non-commercial organisations. All stall holders require Public Liability Insurance and depending on stall type may need other certification: Julie will confirm.

Please note that seafront market spaces are limited, and subject to restrictions. Granville Parade is really space limited, and we will give priority there to food and drink vans, which will be parked on road and NOT on the seawall.

Can You Help Fill Our Barrow of Booze?

A key part of the Sandgate Sea and Food Festival each year is the draw to win a “barrow of booze”. That’s an eclectic collection of bottles, cans and more donated from across the village and conveniently served in a wheelbarrow to one lucky ticket buyer! All proceeds from ticket sales will go to the RNLI.

If you have a bottle or two you could donate to fill our barrow this year (unopened bottles only please!) then please drop them to Sandgate Library during opening hours or contact to arrange delivery. Thank you! 

Parking Suspension Advance Notice

Parking on Granville Parade, Granville Road East & West and The Parade will be suspended from Noon on Saturday 26th until 7pm on Sunday 27th to allow for the Sea Festival and stalls including drop off, set up and break down.

There is also a parking suspension in Castle Road Car Park from noon on Saturday 26th and all day until 7pm on Sunday 27th August, to allow for deliveries and set-up on the Saturday and the market and break-down on the Sunday.

Please do NOT park in those areas during suspended hours. There are a lot of deliveries, stalls setting up and people visiting: leaving your car there while that is going on makes it much harder to do (and you may get a ticket!).

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Help keep Sandgate beautiful: Sandgate Litter Picking kits

Help keep Sandgate beautiful: Sandgate Litter Picking kits

Sandgate Litter Picking Kits now available from outside the Library.

Fancy some exercise or an activity with your children or grandchildren that will also help your village? Then why not do some litter picking to help keep our village, sea and beaches litter free.

Sandgate Parish Council have provided Sandgate litter picking kits, which are now available to borrow from outside of the library. Inside the chest are litter pickers, hoops, bags and gloves. There are 20 pickers in total so it is perfect for a group activity.

All you need is the code to unlock the storage box which you can get from emailing or from the library staff during library open hours. Then sign it out in the notebook provided and off you go. When you’ve finished, just return the equipment to the box and sign it back in.

What to do with the full litter bags?

  • Leave by a council public bin and they will be collected by the council;
  • If you could separate the recycling and take it home in a separate bag that would be brilliant;
  • If you are really keen 😊 Surfers Against Sewage are running a campaign where they are asking volunteers to sort and enter data about what they collect. For more details got to Surfers Against Sewage Million Mile Clean

A couple of unfun litter facts…

  • A crisp packet can take up to 80 to 100 years to decompose
  •  ‘Only Rain Down the Drain’ Litter or other pollutants that wash down drains in the streets go straight into a local watercourse or directly out the overflow pipes onto the beach or into the sea. That’s one of the many reasons it’s so important to keep Sandgate litter free.

We’d love to know how you got on with your Sandgate litter picking kit so take a photo of your activity or filled bags and email it to or to the Sandgate Parish Clerk.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Civility & Respect Pledge

This is to certify that Sandgate Parish Council has signed up to the Civility & Respect Pledge. The Council agreed to sign the pledge at the Full Council meeting of 21st March 2023.

Civility and Respect image

Sandgate Parish Council believes now is the time to put Civility and Respect at the Top of the Agenda and start a culture change for the local council sector.

Certificate Number 1224

Sandgate Parish Council will:

● Treat all councillors, clerk and all employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their role.

● Put in place a training programme for councillors and staff.

● Sign up to Code of Conduct for councillors.

● Have in place good governance arrangements in place including, staff contracts, and Dignity at Work Policy.

● Commit to seek professional help at early stages should civility and respect issues arise.

● Commit to calling out bullying and harassment when if and when it happens.

● Continue to learn from best practice in the sector and aspire to being a role model / champion council e.g., via Local Council Award Scheme.

● Support the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect Pledge including sanctions for elected members where appropriate.


Civility and respect should be at the heart of public life. Good governance is fundamental to ensuring an effective and well-functioning democracy.

There are growing concerns about the impact bullying, harassment, and intimidation are having on Parish and Town councils, councillors, clerks and council staff and the resulting effectiveness of local councils.

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC), One Voice Wales, the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) and county associations have responded to this by setting up a Civility and Respect Working Group to oversee the Civility and Respect Project.

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Seaside Award 2023: It’s a Perfect 10 for Sandgate!

Seaside Award 2023: It’s a Perfect 10 for Sandgate!

Sandgate beach has been named as one of country’s best beaches by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, winning the Seaside Award – for the TENTH years running!

Sandgate’s award places it amongst the country’s very best beaches, from popular holiday spots to quiet, more hidden-away spots. What unites them is knowing that they are clean, safe and meet the highest environmental standards, as well as bathing water quality standards.

Tim Prater, Chairman of Sandgate Parish Council, said:

“Just 128 beaches in England have won the Seaside Award this year There were just 24 in the South East region. We have so many reasons to be proud that Sandgate Beach has won the Seaside Award for the TENTH year running.

“It’s totally a team effort. Residents and businesses play their part in keeping the beach tidy. Facilities are provided by and signposted by the Parish Council and others. Councillors and non-Councillors work as a team to apply year after year. The District Council and Veolia collect waste and empty the seafront bins. it just wouldn’t happen without all of them, and it is something we should celebrate together.

“Special thanks also goes to former Councillor Nabin Siwa who has led our bid for the last few years.”

Environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy announced the winners of Blue Flag and Seaside Awards for 2023. 128 beaches in England have received a Seaside Award, and 77 have achieved Blue Flag status.

The international Blue Flag and UK Seaside Awards are quality marks for our beaches. Visitors can be sure that they are clean, safe and meet the highest environmental standards, and bathing water quality standards.

Posted by Tim Prater in News