
Sandgate Business Forum Update: Edition 2 (June 2016)

Sandgate Business Forum Update: Edition 2 (June 2016)

Welcome to the second issue of the “Sandgate Business Forum”

Since I wrote to you in May, I have received some great feedback regarding what is important to businesses such as yourself and how we, as a Parish Council, may be able to help and I thank you sincerely for your feedback – please keep it coming!  I am happy to hear of any initiatives that you may have, concerns over legislation, issues with parking initiatives or anything where you feel we may be able to help.  You can either email me at, telephone me on 07896 106137 or write to me at the address shown at the bottom of this email.

Sandgate News
Parking Restrictions Throughout Sandgate

In my last update, I advised of the proposed parking restrictions throughout Sandgate Village and as I write, unfortunately the news is… there is no news.
The proposals for a Sandgate Granville Parade / Castle Road CPZ (controlled parking zone) with 2 hour parking restriction for those without a permit (8am-8pm every day of the year) was opposed by a huge number of local residents, Sandgate Parish Council and also a huge number of businesses.
The formal consultation held by Shepway District Council on the scheme, received hundreds of objections of which many of them came from you and I thank you for the fantastic work in gaining so many objection signatures – apparently there were very few comments in support. Since the closure of that consultation, we have heard no more: no publication of the outcome of the consultation, no attempt to progress the scheme, no formal cancellation of the scheme: nothing!
The scheme was originally proposed to be enacted in mid-June: as soon as we hear more, we'll let you know.
Military Road Resurfacing Works
Kent Highways, are intending to resurface Military Road from its junction with Sandgate High Street to the junction with North Road. Whilst I appreciate there are no businesses based on this road the will be an impact on both vehicle movements around the Village, Valley and those businesses based near North Road.  The micro resurfacing works are programmed for 8th August 2016, and there should be local signage to advise on any closures, diversions or parking suspensions, and other restrictions during the works.
This morning, I have spoken to the Contract Officer from KCC Highways who has confirmed to me the following;

  • The planned date of 8th August is subject to certain conditions such as weather
  • The entire length of the road is likely to be closed for 2 days although there WILL be access for residents
  • Work is planned to be carried out between the hours of 7am to 7pm although this may change
  • Residents will be given notice in writing between 2 and 4 weeks prior to any work being undertaken

According to their website Kent County Council say micro resurfacing "is generally used on urban roads and lasts up to 10 years. We fix faults and potholes, but we then place a pre-mixed tarmac dressing which is then pressed down." You can learn more about micro resurfacing from a Kent County Council video at
Development at Shorncliffe – Horn Street Update

Despite residents, campaigners and councillors from Folkestone and Sandgate insisting that for the new Shorncliffe development to go ahead required a widened road bridge at Horn Street, Shepway Development Control decided… against making that a condition on the developer.
Instead of widening the bridge to allow east two-way running, there will be traffic lights put on the bridge to enforce one-way running, and associated works to the approaches and creation of a junction to the new St Martins Plain and Stadium developments.
On Horn Street and Church Rd, the works widening of Horn Street and formation of new entrance to the St Martin's Plain development, change of priority at the junction of Horn Street and Church Road, installation of signals to Horn Street Bridge and signalised crossing to Church Road have just started (28 June) and signs are warning works may take up to 22 weeks.
General Business News
Free Business Seminars / Training

Recently, I was invited to attend a free seminar on cash flow for business.  I’ll be honest with you I was a little wary as I was expecting this to be ran by an organisation trying to sell me something but I was presently surprised.  The seminar was ran by a company called Pro-Actions in conjunction with Shepway District Council and was actually both very informative and enjoyable – it was also a fantastic opportunity to meet other business owners / managers in the area including a lot of new start-ups.
The next Folkestone based event, is entitled “Business Planning – your road map to success” and is due to run on Tuesday 12th July at the Folkestone Enterprise Centre at Basepoint.  If you would be interested in attending you will need to register with them and book your place via their website This website also details their other seminars throughout Kent.
New Sandgate Businesses Update
Sandgate Trading – 74 Sandgate High Street

Due to open later in the summer, Sandgate Trading are currently shop fitting their “gift and home” store.  Unfortunately I have little other information such as a confirmed opening date and trading hours but I will advise on this as soon as I have the information – in the meantime, welcome to Sandgate High Street, it’s fantastic that new stores are deciding that Sandgate is the place to be.
Sandgate Events
Sandgate Sea & Food Festival

To confirm my communication recently, as I’m sure you are aware, the Annual Sea and Food Festival will take place over the August Bank Holiday weekend. The Sea & Food Festival attracts thousands of people to the village each year and is a fantastic opportunity to showcase Sandgate and all that it has to offer.

On the evening of Saturday 27th August (weather permitting) there will be a spectacular beach fireworks display, with a likely start time of around 9pm.

On Sunday 28th August will be the main Sea & Food Festival, with food, craft and other business stalls in the Granville Parade market, and Arts and Crafts Fair in the Chichester Hall, bands, entertainment, beach games and more.

Whilst the market and much of the entertainment is on the sea wall, we want to see the Sea & Food Festival spread throughout Sandgate to draw new visitors and customers to the High Street, promote our businesses and broaden the Festival.

There are a number of ways you can get involved:

1. Each year, a free programme of events is handed out to the 1000’s of visitors who attend the Sea Festival. It includes such information as "What's on", times and venues. Any business doing something special for the Festival, from special opening hours on those days, to a "Festival Food special", entertainment, or any other offer you can come up with for those days can have a FREE listing in the programme

Be inventive, and if it would help contact me and I'll happily discuss what might work for your business. Let me know what you are doing and when and we will happily advertise this in the programme FOR FREE.  We don’t need masses of information: just who you are, where you are, what you’ll be doing and contact details such as a telephone number or email. Due to space availability in the programme, you need to contact me as soon as possible with details or to discuss your entry.

2. If you want to promote your business from the Granville Parade "market" itself you can book a stall to showcase your business from £60. If you would be interested in a stall at the Sea Festival, also contact me as soon as possible (and no later than 1 July) and I'll put you in touch with the Festival Organiser.

3. Would you be prepared to help us to advertise the festival by placing a poster in the window or on your website / Facebook page?  If so then please contact me for details.

In closing, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this update and I hope that you have found it useful. This email / blog is intended to provide information, advice and general communication so if you have anything that you would like information on or even if you just wish to let other businesses know what’s happening with your business then please contact me.  My email address is and my telephone number is 07896 106137.
All the very best and I hope to hear from you soon.

Councillor Kurt Stephens
Sandgate Parish Council

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Business Forum Update: Edition 1 (May 2016)

Sandgate Business Forum Update: Edition 1 (May 2016)

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.  My name is Kurt Stephens and I have recently been co-opted onto Sandgate Parish Council as Councillor for Sandgate Valley.  I both live and work in Sandgate where I am a Company Director of a mobile business based on Sandgate High Street.  In the last 12 months, I have been working alongside the Parish Council on a number of initiatives, one of which is as a representative of local businesses.

As many of you will know, Sandgate Parish Council used to hold a “bi-monthly” business forum meeting to discuss local issues that may impact on their businesses.  Unfortunately, due to both the numbers attending these meetings and the agenda items at the time, this forum became an ineffective way of communicating to the local business community and the meetings stopped.

However, Sandgate Parish Council do believe that there is a need, and much value to be had, in working and communicating together to ensure that Sandgate grows and flourishes.  Sandgate Parish Council, also understand that our local businesses play a key role in our community and contribute massively by bringing both locals and visitors together helping Sandgate to be the beautiful, and much envied, place that it is.

Therefore, we have decided to “resurrect” the Business Forum in the form of a blog, initially bi-monthly – these blogs will be updated as and when there is a business benefit or, if we feel that there is an initiative happening that would negatively impact on our businesses, these blogs will be circulated more often.  What we would also like is to hear from you and how we can help.

For example, it may be that you need help with Pensions Auto Enrolment, as you are probably aware this is something that is a legal requirement and has to be carried out by ALL businesses that employ staff.  It may be that you have training needs in areas such as marketing, leadership, cash flow etc. – this is something that we can help with by directing you to many free courses ran in conjunction with Shepway District Council. Please just let us know what we can do and we will certainly look into it.

So, here we are… welcome to the first Sandgate Business Forum blog.

Sandgate News

Parking Restrictions Throughout Sandgate

As many of you know, Shepway District Council have recently proposed parking restrictions thought Sandgate’s coastal roads.  We believe that this will have a massive impact on both businesses and residents.  You can find out more here and email any objections via the link.  Unfortunately, any objections do need to be in by Monday 16th May by 4PM but, if you haven’t already, we do urge you to take the time to read the proposal and raise an objection if you have one.

General Business News That Will Affect You

Auto Enrolment

As mentioned previously, Pension Auto Enrolment is coming!  I am sure that you have seen the advertisements on TV with the large fluffy thing (is it a monster?).  Anyway, Auto Enrolment is something that all employers, big or small, must act on.  The Pensions Regulator have a fantastic site where you can find information regarding what your duties are, find out your “staging date”, create of checklist of what you need to do and when you need to do it.  You can find out all you need via the link below;

Welcome To Our New Sandgate Businesses

The Boat House Kiosk

The Boat House Kiosk is based on Granville Parade and serve a range of hot and cold food and drinks as well as ice cream.  It is ran by David and Clare and has both takeaway facilities as well as tables and chairs where you can sit and enjoy your time with one of the best views in the area.

ROKA Pizza and Coffee House

ROKA are based at number 91 Sandgate High Street and are hoping to be open by the end of May. ROKA provide both a takeaway service and there are table to sit at if you prefer.  The extensive menu is still in the development stage where they will be serving traditional Italian Pizza cooked in a traditional stone pizza oven, Pizza Desserts and Italian Coffee.


Sandgate Music Festival

The first Sandgate Music Festival is due to take place in June.  Obviously we are hoping that this will bring many visitors to the area and as such provide local businesses with potential new custom.  The festival is due to run at various venues throughout Sandgate and will cover all tastes in music – we will keep you informed as to venues and times – if you would like to be involved in this project please contact Peter Heselden of FODS either by email or phone him at the Tower Theatre on 01303 223925

In closing, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this update and I hope that you have found it useful. This email / blog is intended to provide information, advice and general communication so if you have anything that you would like information on or even if you just wish to let other businesses know what’s happening with your business then please contact me.  My email address is and my telephone number is 07896 106137.

All the very best and I hope to hear from you soon.

Councillor Kurt Stephens
Sandgate Parish Council

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Parish Handyman Services – April 2016 To March 2020

Sandgate Parish Handyman Services – April 2016 To March 2020  

Sandgate Parish Council is inviting quotations for carrying out general maintenance and ad hoc repair works around the parish, as per the specification below.

Please state the hourly rate for the small maintenance and repairs works. It is expected that large jobs may need to be separately quoted for, as and when required.  

The contract period will be for four years, subject to the normal break clauses.

  • To carry out general maintenance and ‘handyman’ jobs as required;
  • To carry out maintenance of litter bins around the parish, including greasing of hinges and locks, rubbing down and re-painting, as required;
  • To carry out repairs and maintenance of village signposts and notice boards, including re-staining, as required;
  • To overhaul and repaint planters, as required;
  • To connect Christmas decorations to lampposts; purchase and erect 2 x 20ft Christmas trees;
  • To inform the parish clerk of any works that should be reported to Shepway District Council or Kent County Council;
  • To assist with community events: erecting/dismantling gazebos; installing and removing event banners and notices; supplying/hiring barriers, generators and other miscellaneous equipment;
  • To top up the parish council’s sand/grit bins (total of 3; the others belong to KCC)
  • To provide storage facilities for: spare litter bins (cast iron and polycarbonate), Santa & sleigh and 5 small decorative Christmas trees; 26+ Christmas lamppost light garlands and electric packs, various signs and banners, gazebos, the annual free one-tonne bags of sand/grit provided by KCC and any other equipment, as required.  

All works will be subject to agreement by the parish clerk prior to carrying out the works.   

Please send your quotation to: Parish Clerk at or post to the address below.  

Please provide:

  • Proof of £5 million Public Liability Insurance
  • Proof of G39 Certification
  • Method statement

We will be assessing quotations according to the following criteria:

  • Quality (please supply references)
  • Capacity (vehicles, equipment, manpower, storage yard/unit)
  • Price  

Deadline for submissions: 12 noon on Thursday 25th February 2016  

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Parish Grounds Maintenance Specification – April 2016 To March 2020

Sandgate Parish Grounds Maintenance Specification – April 2016 To March 2020  

Sandgate Parish Council is inviting quotations for the grounds maintenance works to Sandgate (Military Road) Recreation Ground, the Village Green and Wilberforce Road green for the period April 2016 to March 2020.

Recreation ground:

  • To carry out grass cutting of all main areas on a fortnightly basis
  • To carry out strimming as required to maintain a tidy appearance around obstacles and edges
  • To cut grass to roadside bank to maintain a tidy appearance
  • To keep the bank below the dog walking area tidy, and to cut all once a season
  • To carry out maintenance of the car park
  • To cut grass in dog walking area on a fortnightly basis including edges
  • To keep ditches clear at all times so as not to restrict flowing water
  • To carry out cutting of all hedges twice per season
  • To carry out annual maintenance of the bank containing the trees, shrubs etc, which runs parallel with Military Road
  • To treat as required all paths, hardstandings and car park with weed killer to maintain weed free
  • To keep courts clear of debris
  • To carry out an inspection of play equipment once a month, submitting a report to the clerk (proof of certification is required)

All debris to be removed from site (proof of a waste carrier’s certificate will be required).

Village Green, High Street, Sandgate:

  • To carry out grass cutting including edges on a fortnightly basis
  • To maintain borders on a four-weekly cycle, to include pruning of shrubs and dead-heading as required
  • Keep hardstandings weed free
  • To apply weed and feed to grass

All debris including grass cuttings to be removed from site.

Wilberforce Road Green

  • To carry out grass cutting including edges on a fortnightly basis
  • To maintain borders on a four-weekly cycle, to include pruning of shrubs and dead-heading as required
  • Keep hardstanding weed free
  • To apply weed and feed to grass

All debris including grass cuttings to be removed from site.

The contract period will be for four years, subject to the normal break clauses.

Please send your quotation to: Parish Clerk at or post to the address below.  

Please include:

  • Proof of £5 million Public Liability Insurance
  • Method statement  

We will be assessing quotations according to the following criteria:

  • Quality (please supply references)
  • Capacity (vehicles, equipment, manpower, storage yard/unit)
  • Price   

Deadline for submissions: 12 noon on Thursday 25th February 2016

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Kent Police: ANPR Consultation

Kent Police: ANPR Consultation

It is proposed that an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera will be installed near one of the main routes into Hythe in order to increase coverage within the area.

This is something that police forces intend to do countywide. ANPRs are used to help to detect, deter and disrupt criminality including tackling travelling criminals, organised crime groups and terrorists and they are used to assist with evidence in the investigation of crime.

Community engagement regarding the roll out of cameras is necessary prior to installation being approved.  If you would like offer any views on the proposed installation of a camera in Hythe, please send your comments (support/objections/general views etc) to Sandgate Parish Council at The parish clerk will then forward your comments to the local PCSO.

Please note that the exact location cannot be disclosed as this may compromise and undermine the objective in preventing and detecting crime by being a benefit to offenders and could reduce the value of ANPR to policing.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Shepway Parking Proposals for Granville Parade & Castle Road areas: Sandgate Says No

Shepway Parking Proposals for Granville Parade & Castle Road areas: Sandgate Says No

Shepway District Council have started a consultation on proposals to introduce a Residents Parking Permit scheme in Castle Road, Granville Parade, Granville Road East, Granville Parade West, Lachlan Way, Lister Way and Parade Road.

They are proposing to limit parking in these roads to two hours for non-permit holders. This restriction will be in place 8am-8pm EVERY day of the year including weekends and bank holidays. Only residents and businesses based in the roads named above will be able to get permits.

  • Residents not living in those roads will not be able to get a permit, and will not be able to park in those roads for longer than 2 hours a day.
  • Businesses not based in those roads will not be able to get a permit for their businesses. Customers of businesses will not be able to get a permit.
  • Any Sandgate resident, business owner, business user or visitor to the area that currently park in those areas will, if these proposals are agreed, be banned from doing so for longer than 2 hours in any day.

This new parking scheme could be in place as early as June, depending on the results of their consultation which closes on May 16th.

We need your help, today, to stop these proposals. They will damage our village – and if you drive and live locally, they will affect you.

Since Sandgate Parish Council first heard of the proposals, we have repeatedly asked Shepway to STOP these proposals. There are clearly parking problems in Sandgate, and we are always pushing to get action to address them. But in our view these proposals do not address them in an even vaguely acceptable way, and will prove disastrous for local businesses and residents who depend on the availability of free parking in those roads.

Sandgate Parish Council is unanimously against the proposals to introduce Parking Permits in these roads. We will continue to make that clear to Shepway District Council. But that is not enough. We need all local residents to make their view clear as well to stop these proposals being bulldozed through by the District Council.

We would ask every local resident who is opposed to the introduction of a parking permit scheme to urgently email Shepway District Council to say so.

Send an email, containing your name and address, stating why you oppose the “Revised parking and waiting restrictions in the 'Sandgate East Parking Zone'” to and copy your message to Sandgate Parish Council at so we know how many objections they are receiving. Please ensure your email arrives before 4pm on 16th May.

You may also wish to copy your emails to the Leader of Shepway Council and Cabinet member for Parking

If you do not have email, you can either complete an objection form at Sandgate Library during opening hours and we'll ensure it is submitted to Shepway District Council before the close of the consultation. Alternatively you can download an objection form, complete and post your written objections directly to Shepway District Council (Parking orders), Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2QY

If you oppose these proposals, please make sure you object before the deadline. To maximise our chances of killing this scheme, we need everyone who objects to make that clear as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Robert Bliss & Tim Prater

for Sandgate Parish Council

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Publication of 2015-16 Annual Return

Publication of 2015-16 Annual Return

Sandgate Parish Council is required under the current accounting regulations to publish our 2015-16 Annual Return, the declaration that the Accounting Statements are unaudited and the Notice for the Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights (including paras 26 and 27 from the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014) on our website.

Any person has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records of the financial year to which the audit relates and all book, deeds, contacts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested.

Further to the accounts are the Internal Audit report, 2015-16 bank reconcilation and receipts and payment 2015-16 account report (appendices 1-3) as presented to and agreed at the Full Council meeting of 14 June.

For the year ending 31 March 2016, these documents will be available from 17th June to 28th July 2016.

Posted by Tim Prater in News