Sandgate Library will be closed on 25th and 26th December and re-open on 28th, closing again on 1st January.
The Sandgate Parish Council Office will be closed as usual for the Christmas week, reopening on 2nd January 2018.
Sandgate Library will be closed on 25th and 26th December and re-open on 28th, closing again on 1st January.
The Sandgate Parish Council Office will be closed as usual for the Christmas week, reopening on 2nd January 2018.
Kent County Council are planning to install a new Zebra crossing point on the A259 Sandgate Esplanade, Sandgate, located at the bottom of Brewers Hill. The plans also include the installation of a kerb build out to make the zebra crossing more visible to on-coming traffic. Parking restrictions will be shortened to mitigate loss of parking. Installation of regimented parking bays to alleviate habitual footway parking and the resurfacing of the carriageway from junction of Prospect Road to junction of Castle Bay. (please see a plan of what we are planning to do below).
When will the work start and how long will it take?
The work will take around six weeks to complete, commencing on 30th October 2017 (excluding weekends), between the hours of 8am and 4.30pm. This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible for us to carry it out at this time, we will arrange a new date and let you know via a letter drop to your home. We will also put up signs along the road, before we start, showing the date we plan to start work.
How will we carry out the works and how will it affect you?
The works will be undertaken using temporary traffic signals to give our contractor a safe area within which to carry out construction. We need your help to make sure the work is done as quickly as possible and to the best possible quality. If your vehicle is usually parked on the carriageway, please make sure you park it somewhere else away from the site whilst the works are carried out.
Why do we want to do this work?
Kent County Council are installing this crossing to assist safer pedestrian movements across the busy A259 carriageway. The new crossing will provide a safer link between the bus stops on either side of the carriageway. This scheme is in conjunction with the Cinque Ports Cycleway route that has seen Government funding deliver Phase 1 between Folkestone and Hythe Sailing Club. The route is promoted as a leisure facility to encourage families to the local area. The zebra crossing will enhance the experience and allow ease of access between the seafront and businesses opposite.
Keeping you and our staff safe
We want to complete the works as quickly as we can and without causing you too much inconvenience. So please respect our workers’ space and safety by driving carefully and slowly through the roadworks. Feedback from our workers shows that too many drivers go too fast through roadworks. Everyone is entitled to a safe workplace and our staff work next to moving traffic and risk injury every day to maintain and improve the highway for everyone.
Please keep this leaflet safe in case you need to contact us
For further information or to find out more about what we do please visit where you can also report a fault on any of our roads across Kent. You can find us on Twitter @KentHighways.
If you have a problem during the works or need to contact us in an emergency you can call Kent Highways on 03000 41 81 81. Kent Highways often ask residents to fill in a short feedback survey that we will post through your door after we have completed our works so please help us by filling this in and sending it back freepost. You can also do this survey on line at
WARNING – Beware Bogus Callers Kent County Council Highways & Transportation do not allow works to be carried out on private properties. If anyone says they are working for us or our specialist contractors and offer to carry out any work for cash they should be treated with caution and you are advised to contact Citizens Advice Consumer Service Helpline on 03454 04 05 06.
Autumn has arrived and with it the glorious changing colours of the leaves and falling temperatures and it also means that firework season is almost here. We want you to enjoy fireworks season so if you are thinking about putting on your own fireworks display we recommend you:
For tips on using firework safely visit Kent Fire Rescue.
Do not use fireworks if they are:
Kent County Council has advised that Horn Street, will be closed to through traffic, from Monday 23 October 2017 for up to 5 days, between the hours of 09:00 hours and 16:30 hours each day. The road will be closed in phases between the junctions of Church Road and A259 Seabrook Road.
The alternative route is via A259 Seabrook Road, B2063 Hospital Hill, B2063 West Road, Pond Hill Road, Church Road and vice versa.
There will be operatives on site to allow managed access for residents and businesses, whenever it is safe to do so, but there may be delays. The closures are necessary to enable Kent County Council to carry out urgent essential carriageway repairs.
Below is the Proposal Notice for the Phase 2 extension of the Sandgate CPZ. The Notice is scheduled to appear in the KM papers on Friday 13 October 2017.
Letters of support or objections to the proposed Order will need to be received by 5pm on Friday 3 November 2017 and addressed to Parking Services, Civic Centre, Shepway District Council, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2QY or by email to
It has been decided by Shepway District Council to introduce the extension of controls in Sandgate in phases as shown in the Proposed Phases plan. Phase 3 (Enbrook Road, Chichester Road, Meadowbrook, St Paul’s Way, Darnley Close, Southernwood Rise & Highland Close) will be implemented six months after the introduction of Phase 2.
In the District of Shepway
Notice is hereby given that KENT COUNTY COUNCIL intend to make the above Order under sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 3(2), 4(1) and (2), 32(1), 35(1), 45, 46, 49 and 53 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act:
The Order will extend the Sandgate East Parking Zone (Zone S) to include other roads in Sandgate listed below:
The Order proposes the following:
Permit holders only [between 11:00 – 15:00 hours Mondays-Fridays]
Permit holders and time limited waiting [between 08:00 – 18:00 hours on all days)
Parking places with a time limit of 2 hours (no return within two hours) – except for Permit Holders – will be provided in the following roads.
Permits will be available to all residents living within the zone and to any business or organisation with vehicle(s) essential to its operation.
An annual resident permit will cost £30; and Resident Visitors Permits will cost £5.20 for 5 parking sessions. A Business Permit will cost £60 per annum.
Waiting will be prohibited in any part of the roads mentioned in the second paragraph of this Notice and in sections of roads detailed in the draft Order where parking is not allowed.
Full details are contained in the draft Order, which together with the relevant drawings, a copy of any orders which will be amended by the proposed Order, and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined at The Council Offices, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone.
If you have any questions concerning the Order or require further information please contact Shepway District Council (Parking Services) Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY.
If you wish to make an objection or comment about the proposed Order, you must write to Shepway District Council (Traffic Orders), Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY or email For your objection or comments to be considered they must reach us by 5pm on 3 November 2017. For legal reasons we cannot accept any objection or comment over the phone or in person.
This Notice is published by Shepway District Council on behalf of Kent County Council Highways and Transportation, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 (part of Kent County Council).
A Sandgate resident has reported a possible scam involving a young woman with buggy going door to door to collect for “harvest festival” for Sandgate Primary School.
The resident checked with the school and this is not something that they have sanctioned.
Wednesday 15th November 10:30am–2pm
Visitors Centre, Dungeness B Power Station, Romney Marsh, Kent TN29 9PX
[gview file=”/wp-content/uploads/sites/44/2017/09/Aged-Veterans-November-2017-ONLINE.pdf”]Joe & Karen were the lucky winners with ticket number 31. They have been Sandgate Residents for 17 years.
“My wife was really happy to get her wheelbarrow. I was not too upset to have to deal with all of those bottles!” said Joe.
The Wheelbarrow of Booze raised £400.00 for the RNLI.
Sandgate Parish Council would like to thank the sponsors of our planters throughout Sandgate which make a big contribution the the look of the area.
Acula Creations sponsored the planter by The Ship that has been recently refurbished by the Sandgate Society.
Acula also pride themselves on their themed window displays throughout the year in support of Sandgate events, including their recent Sea Festival display complete with live Mermaid on the day!