
Noise Nuisance Reporting

We’ve had some reports of noise nuisance reported to us recently. During the summer months it’s clearly likely people will be outside more and enjoying the weather: we hope everyone has a good time but ensures they don’t disturb their neighbours especially later in the evening.

Folkestone and Hythe District Council are responsible for helping local residents deal with excessive noise. You can report a noise nuisance online using the following link or if it is excessive noise outside normal office hours then then you can contact the out of office number on 01303 221888.

If it is extremely excessive then you can contact the police on the non-emergency 111 number.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Taylor Wimpey Shorncliffe Garrison Public Exhibition

Taylor Wimpey began acquiring the Ministry of Defence Shorncliffe Garrison site in 2015. Outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 1,200 homes with a nature conservation area, improved recreation facilities and a new primary school on this site was granted by Shepway District Council, now Folkestone and Hythe District Council, in December 2015. Full planning permission for the initial phases of development at St Martin’s Plain and The Stadium was also granted at the same time, and those phases now have a significant number of occupied homes.

Taylor Wimpey also have planning approval for two further phases, which include homes, retail units and a healthcare facility.

Taylor Wimpey are now preparing to submit five reserved matters planning applications to cover the final stages of development. Together these will comprise approximately 700 homes.

They will hold a public exhibition to give local people and stakeholders the chance to view and comment upon the proposals. The event will take place from 2.30pm until 8pm on Tuesday 24th July 2018 at The Tower Theatre in North Road, Folkestone, CT20 3HL.

By coming along to the exhibition and providing us with your feedback, you can help to influence the details of the final scheme before Taylor Wimpey submit the planning applications to Folkestone and Hythe District Council towards the end of 2018/early 2019.  

Alternatively, you will be able to access our public consultation material online at from Tuesday 24th July onwards.

In the meantime, if you do have any questions in advance of the exhibition, please contact

Posted by Tim Prater in News
Right of Way Improvement Plan 2018 – 2028: Public Consultation

Right of Way Improvement Plan 2018 – 2028: Public Consultation

The Kent County Council draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan details how they will develop the public rights of way network in Kent over the next 10 years.

They want to hear your views to ensure that the draft plan will meet the needs and expectations of Kent residents.

The consultation runs from 20 June – 12 September 2018.

Visit for more details and to complete the online questionnaire.

To request hard copies or alternative formats of any consultation materials, please email or telephone 03000 421553 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 421553). This number goes to an answer machine which is monitored during office hours.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Due to the resignation of Kurt Stephens a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for Sandgate Parish Council.

Notice of Vacancy - Sandgate Valley Ward of Sandgate Parish Council

{Updated 28/8/18: An election was called, and there was one valid nomination at the close of nominations. Paul Bingham (Independent) has therefore been elected unopposed to serve as a Parish Councillor for Sandgate Valley Ward until the next election in May 2019. Welcome Paul!]

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Parish Council Annual Return 2017-18

Sandgate Parish Council is defined as a “smaller authority” for the purposes of publication of its annual accounts and statements.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require that:

1. The accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested, during a period of 30 working days set by the smaller authority and including the first 10 working days of July.

2. The period referred to in paragraph (1) starts with the day on which the period for the exercise of public rights is treated as having been commenced i.e. the day following the day on which all of the obligations in paragraph (3) below have been fulfilled.

3. The responsible financial officer for a relevant authority must, on behalf of that authority, publish (which must include publication on the authority’s website):

(a) the Accounting Statements (i.e. Section 2 of the Annual Return), accompanied by:

(i) a declaration, signed by that officer to the effect that the status of the Accounting Statements are unaudited and that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change;

(ii) the Annual Governance Statement (i.e. Section 1 of the Annual Return); and

(b) a statement that sets out—

(i) the period for the exercise of public rights;

(ii) details of the manner in which notice should be given of an intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents;

(iii) the name and address of the local auditor;

(iv) the provisions contained in section 26 (inspection of documents etc.) and section 27 (right to make objections at audit) of the Act, as they have effect in relation to the authority in question.

All the required accounting statements, declarations, annual governance statement and additional statements are available in this 2018 Full Annual Return of Sandgate Parish Council. There is also a Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return. The declared period for the exercise of Public Rights is 28 June – 16 August 2018, but in practice it was first published on the Sandgate Parish Council website on 27 June 2018.

full copy of return docs 2017 18
Posted by Tim Prater in Council, News

The Sandgate / Sangatte Annual Petanque / Boules Tournament 2018

On Saturday 16th June Sandgate hosted this years annual Petanque tournament in Sandgate Park on Military Road.

Once again a very successful day was had by all. There were over 50 French and 45 English competitors, competing for the honour of winning the coveted title of Petanque Champion.

After a good day’s Petanque, with 40 games played, it ended with a draw of 20/20.

There was an ample supply of wine, whiskey and song with the Ukuladies band and an Elvis tribute provided as a lunch time cabaret!

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Public Rights of Way natural surface vegetation clearance

Inpenetrable rainforest (Australia) By Ethel Aardvark [CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

From: East Kent Public Rights Of Way & Access Service

You will be aware that we run large scale surface vegetation clearance contracts through the spring and summer months, to keep the network of paths open and available. This year we were due to procure new contracts and this has been taking place over the winter, with new five year contracts awarded in April.

Unfortunately we have been experiencing some problems within the Ashford, Folkestone & Hythe, Dover and Sevenoaks Districts. Many of the paths have still not been cut or those that have, may not be up to the standard we expect. We would usually be expecting the first cut to be nearing completion by now.

I just wanted to let you know that we are working hard with the appointed contractor to overcome these issues and concurrently are working up a backup arrangement with other personnel available to step in at short notice. Either way I expect to be back up to speed within two weeks, but it could still be another month before the first cut is completed to our satisfaction.

I can only apologise for this and reassure you that we are doing all we can to get back on track and ask for your patience whilst this problem is resolved.

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Sandgate Escarpment Consultation

Last night the Parish Council considered the report of the Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer and passed the following resolution:

  • to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to apply for a fixed rate PWLB loan of £500,000 up to 50 years for the land purchase on which stand the Martello Towers. The annual loan repayments will come to around £18,500. It is intended to increase the precept from 2019-20 by £9.75 (band D) a year for the purpose of the loan repayments;
  • that the contract documents be drawn up in as tight a way as legally possible to prevent future development of the site;
  • that the budget of £500,000 be used in the following priority order: acquisition of the site; safety access improvements to the woodlands; signage and interpretation; essential repair works to the Martello Towers; and a “sinking fund” for urgent repairs within the first three years;
  • that the likely balance of these allocations being £355,000 for the purchase, £25,000 for safety access improvements and signage, £95,000 for essential repair works to the Martello Towers and £25,000 for the “sinking fund”;
  • to authorise the Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer to enter into further negotiations with the vendor in order to see best value which could include a contribution towards the Parish Council’s legal fees.

Those negotiations were concluded this morning and a further £10,000 reduction in price was agreed. The Parish Council will therefore be implementing the above decision to purchase the site at a price of £345,000 subject to contract.

Posted by Tim Prater in News


Notice is hereby given that KENT COUNTY COUNCIL intend to make the above Order under sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 3(2), 4(1) and (2), 32(1), 35(1), 45, 46, 49 and 53 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act:

The Order proposes to convert the shared use (permit holders & limited waiting) parking spaces between 88 and 102 Sandgate High Street into Limited Waiting only. The following will be included:

Limited Waiting- 2 hours [between 08:00 – 18:00 hours on all days)
Parking places with a time limit of 2 hours, no return within 2 hours

Sandgate High Street (North Side) between Nos. 88 and 102

Full details are contained in the draft Order, which together with the relevant drawings, a copy of any orders which will be amended by the proposed Order, and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined at The Council Offices, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone.

If you have any questions concerning the Order or require further information please contact Folkestone & Hythe District Council (Parking Services) Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY.

If you wish to make an objection or comment about the proposed Order, you must write to Folkestone & Hythe District Council (Traffic Orders), Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY or email For your objection or comments to be considered they must reach us by 5pm on Monday 18 June 2018. For legal reasons we cannot accept any objection or comment over the phone or in person.

This Notice is published by Folkestone & Hythe District Council on behalf of Kent County Council Highways and Transportation, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 (part of Kent County Council).

Posted by Tim Prater in News

Oh we do like to be beside the (award-winning) seaside!

Keep Britain Tidy has today revealed the country’s best beaches with announcement of Blue Flag and Seaside Awards for 2018 – and Sandgate is on the list!

This year environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy is presenting 190 awards to England’s very best beaches, including 65 international Blue Flags and 125 Seaside Awards (eight more than last year), with 42 beaches achieving both awards. This includes the awards to Sandgate beach, near Folkestone in Kent.

Sandgate beach has won the Seaside Award for 2018 – for the sixth year running. It joins the country’s very best beaches, from popular holiday spots to quiet, more hidden-away spots. What unites them all is knowing that they are clean, safe and meet the highest environmental standards, as well as the tough international bathing water quality standards.

Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive Allison Ogden-Newton said:

“The success of the 148 beaches in reaching the very high standards demanded by both awards is testament to all those who have worked so hard to protect and improve our beaches – from beach managers and volunteers to local people and businesses.

“When you enjoy a trip to a beach flying an international Blue Flag or Seaside Award, you know you are on one of the safest, cleanest and very best in the country.”

Keep Britain Tidy is a leading environmental charity that cares for the environment on your doorstep. We work to eliminate littering, reduce waste and improve public space. We run programmes including Eco-Schools, the Green Flag Award for parks and green spaces and the Blue Flag/Seaside Awards for beaches. To find out more about Keep Britain Tidy, our programmes and campaigns visit

The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, launched the Blue Flag programme in 1987. Keep Britain Tidy administers the scheme in England. To be awarded a Blue Flag, beaches must comply with a number of criteria covering environmental education and information, water quality, environmental management, safety and services.

The Seaside Award is run by Keep Britain Tidy and recognises and rewards beaches in England that achieve the highest standards of beach management and, in the case of bathing beaches, meet the required standards for water quality.

Posted by Tim Prater in News