Due to the Coronavirus, and lockdown and social distancing rules, the Government have passed emergency legislation and guidance to allow Councils to meet online instead of in person through until May 2021.
In common with many other councils, Sandgate Parish Council will be meeting online for the immediate future and until the Government advice is that is is prudent to again meet “in person” and for the public to be present.
We will be publishing agendas (5 working days in advance of meetings) and minutes within 10 working days after a meeting on the Parish Council website at http://sandgatepc.org.uk/ (as we have done for some years).
Questions on any item of the agenda, or public questions for Full Council Meetings should be sent to the Parish Clerk (by email to clerk@sandgatepc.org.uk) in advance of the meeting and will be read out by the clerk at the meeting and responded to appropriately. Questions should include the questioners full name and address.
The meetings themselves will take place on Zoom (using recommended security such as meeting passwords, use of waiting rooms etc) with the meeting broadcast live as video at the time of the meeting itself on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/sandgatepc/ Comments made on the Facebook video during the meeting will not be monitored and are not a way of feeding back to the Council.
Please do bear with us while we learn this new way of working – it’s new for all of us!
Our first online meeting will be our Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 21st April at 5pm.