As a key part of our maintenance and improvement of Sandgate Park and Freemantle Park and the areas under our control, we commission an annual tree report on all trees in that land to make sure they are healthy, safe, and need any works.
The tree reports are both an important of making sure we are looking after the area well. It is also an insurance requirement, to ensure we have done our best to protect park users.
The most recent tree reports were undertaken in September 2024:
As you’ll see, both reports identified a number of works, from pollarding (cutting trees back) to remedial works to, in a few cases, removing / felling dead trees entirely.
We have commissioned a local company – Spearpoint Tree Services – to do the works (after an open tendering process) and they will be undertaken in February and March as below. Please be reassured that we have taken the best possible advice on the works needed, and works are being undertaken now to reduce the chances of disturbing nesting birds etc, but all trees will be checked for signs of nests etc prior to works on any tree.
Works will be completed between 9am-5pm, and we apologise for any noise caused, but ask people stay back a safe distance.
Fremantle Park
21st February
Spearpoint Tree Service will be undertaking works at Fremantle Park to safely remove any dead trees. Additionally, they will address the surrounding weed growth around the Lombardy Poplar and continue to provide support by securing the tree with supporting stakes. These measures are aimed at enhancing the overall health and appearance of the park.
Sandgate Park
6th & 7th March
The tree work for the removal and re-pollarding of crack willow/common alder, as well as the reduction of Monterey Cypress, has been scheduled for Thursday, 6th and Friday, 7th March. The work will involve reducing the height of the Monterey Cypress by a maximum of four metres, and the east-facing lateral branch will be reduced by a maximum of three metres.
Additionally, six crack willow/common alder trees showing extensive decay will be felled to ground level. All remaining trees within the group will be re-pollarded.
17th March – 21st March
The remaining tree works tree work has been scheduled to take place during the week commencing 17th March 2025, with an anticipated completion by Friday, 21st March 2025.