household waste and recycling collections

Sandgate Sustainability Action Group

Are you interested in taking positive action to help make Sandgate more sustainable. The Sandgate Society have been at different events over the summer collecting thoughts and ideas from members of the community which they now want to put into action. Some ideas are fairly simple and some will need more research and planning and fresh ideas are very welcome.

They are holding a meeting on Thursday October 13th at 7pm in the Reading Room at the Old Fire Station on Sandgate High Street, to discuss these ideas and explore ways forward. Coming along doesn’t commit you to anything and you absolutely don’t have to be a sustainability expert. Hopefully this will be the start of a group representing all sections of the Sandgate community, where we can learn from and inspire each other in a supportive and non-judgemental way.

Please let them know if you would like to attend or if you are interested but can’t make the time/date. Please also let them know any other ideas you may have had so they can be put up for discussion. One thing for sure is they won’t have picked a time and date that will suit everybody but we had to start somewhere!

  • Ring Gemma: 07984 694907

Just to whet your appetite these are just some of the ideas suggested so far (in no particular order):

  • Thermal Surveys
  • Public water fountains to refill water bottles
  • Tool Library
  • Energy Saving Appliances Exhibition/Demonstrations – a chance to see them in action
  • Repair Café
  • Pop up workshops/field trips on repair skills and sustainability
  • Sustainable Fashion Show
  • Discussion group on sustainability issues
  • Communicating local recycling information (items that don’t get collected by the council) and other local sustainability initiatives.
  • Campaigning to improve local services and facilities
  • A guide to making property low carbon in a conservation area

We look forward to hearing from you.