After many years campaigning by local residents, Kent County Council have accepted proposals for a limited size Sandgate High Street 20mph zone through the centre of Sandgate. This is subject to a positive public consultation and Sandgate Parish Council finding the funding to implement the scheme.

The Sandgate High Street 20mph zone is in response to many concerns about safety in the centre of the village. Many people have made the case that the zone could be longer, or supported by more measures, than is proposed. However this scheme is the very maximum Kent County Council will allow to be installed, now.
The maps below show the extent of the 20mph limit in the area. Essentially the restriction will run along the A259 Sandgate High Street from the junction with Saga / Enbrook Park along to the junction with Wilberforce Road nearest to Homevale House. Roads off the High Street will also be included as marked – Castle Road, Lachlan Way, Gough Road, Granville Road East, Granville Parade, The Parade, Granville Road West, The Undercliff, The Crescent, Wilberforce Road & Hillside.
We need you to express your view on the scheme to give Kent County Council confidence to proceed. The more positive responses they receive, the more likely they will accept implementation of the scheme.
Sandgate High Street 20mph zone: Good Questions
Will the 20mph zone be legally enforceable?
Yes, but as with 30mph zones, the Police time to do so is limited.
The Sandgate Speedwatch team will be able to do their volunteer sessions in the zone reminding people of their speed. With that, and the huge majority of people hopefully understanding the clear signage and need for it, will slow down traffic in itself.
How will the new limit be promoted?
There will be new and clear 20mph signs on each approach to the zone, and the current “30” roundels will be repainted to “20”. It is not proposed to add any speed bumps or width restrictions to the road (it’s loud and tight enough already).
Is a 20mph zone actually safer?
Clearly, the slower you are travelling, the more opportunity drivers have to see and react to “events” happening in front of them, and the data shows there are less accidents.
That’s not to say accidents won’t still happen. However the key point is a crash at 30mph involves twice as much energy and destructive potential as a crash at 20mph.
Do 20mph zones cause more pollution?
20mph zones do not appear to worsen air quality. They also support a shift to walking and cycling, generate less traffic noise and reduce the division of communities. In 20mph zones vehicles move more smoothly with fewer accelerations and decelerations.
When will it come into force?
That’s rather in the hands of Kent County Council, but we hope in the spring of this year if the consultation response is favourable. It will only become enforceable when the clear signage, and associated road traffic orders, are in place.
What impact will it have on parking?
No parking spaces are being lost as part of this proposal.
With luck, lower speeds may result in less wing mirrors being lost from cars at the Hythe end of Sandgate High Street, but that’s only a hope.
I support this scheme. How do I say so?
Please email with your name and address and state you SUPPORT the 20mph scheme for Sandgate. You can give any other comments if you wish.
Alternatively you can use the form below and return to Sandgate Library. Please respond (by email or returning the form) by Noon on 31st January 2025 at the latest.
I support this scheme but wish the zone was bigger / longer / covered other areas. How do I say so?
Please email with your name and address and state you SUPPORT the 20mph scheme for Sandgate. Make sure you add comments as to what else you would like to see. You can give any other comments if you wish.
Alternatively you can use the form below and return to Sandgate Library. Please respond (by email or returning the form) by Noon on 31st January 2025 at the latest.
I oppose this scheme. How do I say so?
Please email with your name and address and state you OPPOSE the 20mph scheme for Sandgate. You can give any other comments if you wish.
Alternatively you can use the form below and return to Sandgate Library. Please respond (by email or returning the form) by Noon on 31st January 2025 at the latest.
I have some questions: who can I ask?
Please email with any questions.
The Sandgate High Street 20mph zone scheme we are consulting on is that which Kent Highways would accept being put in place: Sandgate Parish Council have no ability to change it. The scheme is either supported, and implemented as is, and then evaluated, or not. We’ve not been offered “options”.