Sandgate Parish Council are delighted to be taking part in the Queens Green Canopy celebrations of the 70th Jubilee by developing two new orchards in Sandgate Park and Fremantle Park: and YOU can get involved!
Taking up the challenge to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”, Sandgate will be planting 12 fruiting trees in each park in an orchard area. The planting will be led by Leonie Wooton and the Sandgate Community Garden project, and local residents are more than welcomed to come along and help plant and look after the trees as they develop.
The trees (apple, pear, cherry, plum, and cob nut) will be planted over the next weekend we hope, and there will be a formal dedication ceremony for each orchard in June 2022 to link directly into the Jubilee itself.
Parish Council Chairman Tim Prater says:
“We’re delighted to be taking part in the Queen’s Green Canopy initative here in Sandgate.
“It will be a few years before the orchards start to ‘bear fruit’ but we hope that they will not just improve our environment as all trees do, but also improve biodiversity locally, support our local bee population, and generate a harvest that local people will be able to enjoy for generations to come.”
Sandgate residents are being invited to sponsor each of the trees. Sponsorship costs £100 per tree and will cover the cost of not just buying the trees, maintaining and watering them over the crucial first few years. Sponsors will be recognised on the dedication plaque at each location unveiled in June, including a message of remembrance for a family member or friend if wished.
To sponsor one of the 24 trees, please email Sandgate Parish Clerk Gaye Thomas at clerk@sandgatepc.org.uk or call 01303 248563.
Planting will take place on Saturday 13th November at 2pm in Sandgate Park (on Military Road), and Sunday 14th November at 2pm in Fremantle Park (on Fremantle Road). If you would like to come along and help with the planting, then contact the Sandgate Community Garden via email to sandgatecg@gmail.com, by text to Leonie on 07840 138308 or through their social media platforms,