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Will You Join the Sandgate Speedwatch Volunteer Team?

Kent Speedwatch is a volunteer scheme to monitor and display the speed of passing traffic on selected roads.

A group of 3 people use a roadside speed indicator device to monitor and display the speed of approaching traffic, and note the details of those significantly in excess of the speed limit.

It acts as a good reminder to motorists to keep to the limit, and forms a base of data that Kent Police can see to understand if there is a lot of speeding in a certain road, and to target their resources at monitoring them.

Sandgate Parish Council has a part share in a Speed Indication Device, but haven’t run sessions for some time. We’re looking to get Speedwatch sessions running again, but to do so we need a group of volunteers willing to join the team.

Training takes a couple of hours, and we’d be hoping to run 2 or 3 Speedwatch sessions a month to start with: if we had 9 volunteers, that’s commitment to one 90 minute session a month.

Sessions only happen during daylight hours, in Police approved locations, with trained volunteers. You’ll never be working alone.

Would you register to get involved in helping our area cut traffic speeds with Speedwatch?

If you are willing to become a Sandgate Speedwatch volunteer you can register online. Please go to:

..and select “register” on the top menu. On the next page, select “Join and Existing Group” on the left.

On the next page, select “Kent” from the “Force” list, then “Continue”.

On the next page, select “XE Folkestone and Hythe” from the Police Area list, then “Continue”.

On the next page, select “Sandgate – Sandgate Speedwatch Group” from the Group list, then Continue.

On the next page, complete the form, make sure you tick the “term and conditions” box, then select “Register Me”.

You should get an email notification of some type, but then that’s done. When we have enough (5 or so) volunteers registered we’re away – we will get a training session organised and all volunteers invited.

Please – get involved: register today!