The Parish Council is in discussions with various partners, including the Sandgate Society and District Councillors, to seek funding to install CCTV in three key locations:
● Sandgate High Street
● The Golden Valley shops
● Sandgate Park
CCTV is being investigated following a number of incidents of vandalism in Sandgate Park, a number of attempted break-ins to businesses in Sandgate High Street and damage to cars in the High Street and surrounding areas.
Although statistically crime remains very low in Sandgate compared to other areas, we’re keen to keep it that way.
Any scheme would, of course, be operated within strict guidelines to protect personal privacy and to inform people that the system was operating. It would be “recording only” rather than live monitored, and would only be accessed in the event of reported crime or anti social behaviour.
The Council is optimistic that grants and funding can be identified to purchase and install all of the cameras and equipment at very low cost to the Council, but there would be a small annual maintenance cost of up to £2,000 a year.
The Council is keen to hear from residents and business their view on whether the introduction of CCTV in Sandgate is supported. Those views will then be taken into account before any final purchase decision is taken. Please send your views to