What a difference that rain has made! The carrot seeds have sprouted and things are starting to romp away! We managed to source some bean canes from the Park compost heap, and to demolish a large chunk of courgette cake. Welcome to Sue and Andrew who joined us this week – Thanks Sue for the butternut squash plants, broad bean seeds, and French beans, much appreciated….we also had an anonymous courgette donation, all have been planted, but the broad bean seeds are to be saved for the autumn! If you know people with veg plots/allotments, ask them to bear us in mind when it comes to dividing plants later in the autumn, as that is when we will be looking for donations to the cause…more about that nearer the time!
What’s next
- I have been told to expect sunshine this week, so if you walk by early morning or late afternoon, give those seedlings a water. Try to avoid watering when the sun is high and if there is direct sunlight as this can do more damage than good.
- We are wood treating the last of the raised boxes….looking good!
- Continue clearing the ground to the left of the fruit and herb section
- More tomato plants to plant out, more seeds to sow for continuity
- Most important – take time to have a look at all the achievements so far!
Full plot view Wood treating the boxes Sharing courgette cake New pea plants Salad seedlings Water tank at far end